About Us

Bruderhilfe Social Development Initiative, is a Non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria in 2017. 

The organization is dedicated to improving the health, education and socio-economic development of women, children and youth in rural and urban areas; and embarking on sustainable community development projects.

The organisation (as our name translated into English Brotherly Help indicates) seeks as a broad goal to improve the quality of life for all, but with particular emphasis on the vulnerable and less privileged population, the excluded members of the societies, and rural, hard-to-reach communities with little access to socio-economic development programmes of government and private corporations.

Vision Statement

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Mission Statement

To embark on sustainable social-economic initiatives and programmes that will lead to the empowerment of the disadvantaged and marginalized members of the society and ensure the fulfilment of the right of all humans to live in security, dignity and peace.

Our Goal

To improve the living conditions of the excluded members of the societies, the less privileged and rural, hard-to-reach communities with little access to socio-economic development programmes of government and private corporations


  1. To ensure an increased accessibility and provision of social-economic services for the less privileged and the social excluded members of the society.
  2. To promote and advocate for the rights of children and support young people in building a just, democratic and inclusive society.
  3. To build the capacity and strengthen the ability of the less privileged and poor people mostly in rural areas to hold governments at all levels and corporates bodies accountable towards enhancing their access to quality services.
  4. To improve and increase the literacy level of women, boys and girls in rural communities and put in place material and non-material facilities that will promote their safety and participation in public and private spaces.
  5. To enhance human security and improved livelihood for the poor and excluded.


The core values of BRUDERHILFE are:

  1. Godliness: We moved and are guided by a sense of Godliness manifested in showing love and concerns to our neighbours especially the disadvantaged and lowly ones as we love and value ourselves which God Himself exemplified.
  2. Helping: We see ourselves as a group of people with helping hands to lift up the downtrodden from their lowly positions.
  3. Brotherhood: To be part of a people with the mind of extending hands of love and devoted service to make the society a better and more equitable one.
  4. Integrity: We are determined to be steadfast, thorough, consistent in our activities, planning, and implementation and in abiding with values, principles that shaped our work.
  5. Transparency: We are open in our conduct, in making decision and interaction with people regardless of status and condition.
  6. Accountability: We are responsible and accountable for our actions as an organisation. We own it as stewards to be accountable to God and to people He surrounds us with.
  7. Equity/Justice: We are committed to a fair and impartial view of people and strongly believe in equal opportunities for everyone regardless of age, gender, race, religion, disability, location and health status.
  8. Positive attitude:  We are always guided by a sense of optimism in the successful implementation of our programmes despite the internal and external challenges that surrounds us.
  9. Team spirit: We energetically work together to bring an end to discrimination, social-economic exclusion and poverty.


Invervention Focused Areas

Bruderhilfe Social Development Initiative has implemented various health, education and socioeconomic empowerment projects throughout Nigeria. The organization’s Projects have affected more than 20,000 people in these areas:

Socio-Economic Empowerment
Persons With Disabilities


The organization has a 5-member board of trustees established by the law, 15 staff members (1 Executive Director, 3 Head of Departments, 2 Head of Units, 9 Supporting Staffs) 9 of whom are providing voluntarily services while 6 are been paid by organization. 

The organization also has a number of key professionals’ volunteers and experts in Health, Education, International Development, Finance and Account.

We have a 1 block office equipped with furniture and office devices where our staff work from, for effective and efficient discharge of duties.

Contact Us

Email: info@bruderhilfe.org

Mobile: +2348032963838, +2348100015495

Address: 1, Bola Ajibola Street, Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria.

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