To begin the year, Bruderhilfe donated multi purpose mobility carts to persons living with disabilities in Katsina State on the 19th of January. The occasion was chaired by her Excellency, Hajiya Zakiyya Masari, wife of the executive governor of Katsina state.

Bruderhilfe also included Mr Tunde Ewaremem, under it’s “Project Inclusive” initiative. Between January and February, the organization renovated and refurbished the living apartment of Mr. Ewareman, who lives with mobility impairement, and provided him with a multi purpose mobility cart as well as clothing and footwear.

In preparation for a successful Project year, Bruderhilfe held a 2-Day training and orientation on running a Sustainable Non Governmental Organization, for members of staff and volunteers of the organization, on the 16th & 17th of February.

There was also a 1-Day Community Humanitarian Outreach and Familiarisation Visit to Kemta Village, Ogun state, on the 26th of February, where Bruderhilfe distributed basic living necessities to community residents, and interacted with Community leaders to see to the successful deployment of strategic development interventions for women and children in the village.

On the 5th of May, Bruderhilfe held the Maiden edition of its Project Karakata initiative, with the training and socio-economic empowerment of women at Kemta village in Ogun State. 50 women were trained on Financial Literacy and Economic Empowerment activities that has so far helped them generate income towards self-sustenance of themselves and their families. The women were provided with financial capital in the form of interest free loans to enable them establish their businesses, and a Village Saving Loan Scheme was set up for the women groups in the village to facilitate a saving culture among the women in the community.

In June, Bruderhilfe included the Bucknor family as beneficiaries, under its “Project Inclusive” initiative. The organization refurbished the living apartment of the family, and included the brilliant 12 year old daughter, Modupe Mabel Bucknor, under it’s Scholarship scheme, as her parents are both People With Disabilities, with speaking and hearing impairments and cannot meet all her educational expenses.

On the 18th of July, The Director, Bruder Hilfe Social Development Initiative, Mrs. Mary Bruder, celebrated her birthday with the children and staff of Precious Pearls Orphanage, Egbeda, Lagos, and donated educational materials, drinks, health supplements and food provisions for the children of the home, as well as clothing, toys and other materials for the newest member of the home, who is a four month old baby. Mrs  Bruder also presented a cheque donation to be used for purchase of other items needed by the home.

Also in July, Bruder Hilfe donated a multipurpose wheelchair to Jummai Barak, a mobility impaired hairdresser and Baker, to enable her conduct her business effectively and move about with ease.

On the 22nd of July, Bruderhilfe extended her charity activities to Katsina state by donating a total of 200 mobility carts to persons living with disabilities. The distribution was flagged off by His Excellency, Executive Governor of Katsina State, Alhaji Aminu Bello  Masari, and was held in partnership with the Aminu Masari Youth Empoerment Foundation.

Bruderhilfe also donated gifts and clothing items to support the children aid projects by the Women Youth and Children improvement Support Initiative (WYCISI), a non-profit organization founded by the First Lady of Katsina State, Her Excellency, Alhajia Zakiyya Masari.

Between August and September, Bruderhilfe identified and empowered 5 Widows with 35 children between them, in the Dutsi and Kusada Local Government areas of Katsina State. The families in these remote Communities were hit by economic hardships, and Bruderhilfe provided each widow with money to establish their trade, thereby equipping them with a means to cater for themselves and their families, and ensuring a stable source of income. The organization also provided the children of these families with scholarships, enrolling them in school, as well as providing them with the needed educational materials, nutritional support and clothing.

On the 14th & 15th of October, Bruderhilfe held it’s second Project Karakata initiative, which saw the Empowerment of 24 selected women from Kwana-Makeri village, Agwara Local Government area of Niger State. The women were provided with money (capital) in the form of interest-free loans to establish businesses, as well as financial literacy training and the establishment of a Village Saving Loan Scheme. The project was held in partnership with the Oladele Olusina Foundation, and the Cecilia Olushola Adebayo Ariyo Foundation.

Bruderhilfe donated Books and other educational materials, to the Community Primary School, Erepoto, Epe Local government area of Lagos State, on the 11th of November; for the establishment of a school library to enhance the academic and social development of the pupils. Among the items donated were Children’s Story Books, Colouring Books & Crayons, Pens, bands for girls and reporting folders for teachers and biscuits.

A humanitarian donation drive was also held at the Ajegunle-Ikorodu community, under the Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos State, on the 14th of November. The project was Bruderhilfe’s contribution to improving the living standards of the people, who live in vulnerable situations in the rural informal settlement, many of whom have unmet nutritional, healthcare and clothing needs. Items donated to the community residents were: Clothing, Footwears, Health supplements, Food provisions including Canned foods, groceries, confectioneries, drinks. 

On 17th and 18th of November, the Bruderhilfe team journeyed to rural underdeveloped communities in Ilaje local government area of Ondo state, to implement education, health and humanitarian outreaches.

The beneficiary Communities were: Abe-Alala Community, Ago-Debo Community, Ebute-Ipare Community and Igbokoda. 

In Abe-Alala, books were donated to the Abe-Alala Academy, the only secondary school serving the community, as well as to the community primary school; to enable the schools commence active libraries. Medical Supplies and Hospital Consumable, were also donated to the Abe-Alala Health Centre, the only health Institution serving the community and clothes, footwear, food provisions, health supplements and other basic necessities were donated to the community residents.

In Ago-Debo, the team visited the only primary school in the vicinity, which was constructed and was being sponsored by the community. Books and educational toys were donated for the establishment of a library in the school, and four of the school pupils who are under Bruderhilfe scholarship scheme, were presented with writing materials.

Humanitarian donations were also carried out at Ago-Debo, as Bruderhilfe donated some basic living items to indigent families in the community. 

In Ebute-Ipare, Bruderhilfe donated medical supplies and equipment to the Primary Health Centre, Ebute-Ipare, donated books to Catherine’s RCM Primary School, Ebute-Ipare, and held a humanitarian donation drive where basic living necessities were donated to improve the living conditions of the residents.

In Igbokoda, Bruderhilfe donated Medical Supplies and Hospital Consumable to the Basic Health Centre.

The donations were made possible with the support of the Muriel Gordon Foundation, New York.

Bruderhilfe also visited the Ewekoro local government area of Ogun State in November; to enable familiarisation and fact-finding assessment of the rural communities, as well as Health institutions in the local government, to better understand their needs in implementing Community and Medical Outreaches for the people. 

The Executive Director of Bruderhilfe Social Development Initiative, Mrs. Mary Oluwabamigbe Bruder, received an Award in recognition her philanthropic works and contributions to the development of society; as well as the contributions of Bruderhilfe to the capacity development of youth and secondary school dropouts, under the jurisdiction of the the Badagry Corridor. The award was presented by De Voice Newspaper, on the 12th of December, during a prestigious event marking the official unveiling of the Global Assets, a documentary on the inspiring life histories of the Most Distinguished professionals on the Lagos-Badagry Corridor.

Bruderhilfe ended the year with Humanitarian Charity Donations, to improve the living conditions of residents of indigent / poor communities in rural areas of Lagos.

There was a Community Day Outreach project at the Zion Compound Community, Gbagada, Lagos, on the 24th of December. Residents received donations of food, clothing, footwear, toys, accessories and educational materials.

Another Community Day Outreach project was held in Ilaje Bariga,  Shomolu Local government area of Lagos State, on the 26th of December. The organization donated Food provisions & Nutritional supplements, Clothings, Beddings, Books, Learning materials and other basic necessities to the community residents.

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