Abeokuta Fact-Finding and Assessment Visit November 2021

The Bruderhilfe team visited the Ewekoro local government area of Ogun State; to enable familiarisation and fact finding assessment of the rural communities, as well as Health institutions in the local government, to better understand their needs in implementing Community and Medical Outreaches for the people. 

The first port of call was the Federal Medical Centre, Abeokuta. The Bruderhilfe team met with the Medical Director, Prof. Musa Olowu. The MD noted that the Hospital had all units functional and would welcome donation of items to boost procedures with special departments including paediatrics, Orthopaedics, Neurology, Cardiology, ICU amongst others, and also for the radiotherapy department the hospital aims to commence.

The MD as well as specialists from various departments of the hospital also inspected samples of items to be donated to the hospital which were brought by Bruderhilfe. He assured Bruderhilfe Director, Mrs. Mary Bruder, of his 100% support, as he is willing to see to the development of the health institutions and availablity of medicines and health supplies for the health and wellbeing of the people of Ogun State and its environs.

The team also paid a courtesy visit to the Alawowo of Awowo-Owu Kingdom, Oba Abdul-Gafar Olasukanmi Tijani.

The Alawowo affirmed that discussions have been ongoing with members of his development planning committee, to establish health clinics and other community projects, and donations from Bruderhilfe and its partners would go a long way to boost their efforts.

The team visited the site of the uncompleted structure for the proposed Community Health Centre, to access the situation on ground. Some of the Chiefs from the kingdom, also gave the team an idea of the present state of the public primary schools and special care homes for widows, orphans, aged & physically challenged in the domain, and noted that work in these institutions had mainly been abandoned halfway.

Mrs. Mary Bruder expressed her desire to hold outreaches and empowerment Projects in Ogun State, and promised to commence development projects as soon as possible.

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