Omowunmi Enikannaye_One Family at a Time_Ondo State

Omowunmi Enikannaye is a 69 year old Grandmother, caring for 4 of her grandchildren, in a ramshackle appartment in Ago Debo community, Ilaje local government, Ondo State. Their building has no doors and windows, is made from palm fronds, and has no furniture or amenities.

The children were abandoned by their parents who claimed to have bequeathed them to her, and don’t care for both Children & grandmother.

Omowunmi has no means of livelihood and goes about picking palm kernels around the community before she and the children can feed.

Muriel Gordons Foundation made donations of food provisions, Clothings, footwear, books, toys, blankets & beddings, to Grandma Omowunmi & her 4 grandchildren. The items were presented to the family by Mrs. Mary Bruder on her visit to their abode at Ago Debo Community, Ondo state. Some Money was also dropped for the family upkeep. Presently, provisions are being made to establish Omowunmi in her own business on making palm products.

Omowunmi’s 4 grandchildren have been enrolled in school with their school fees paid, and school uniforms, footwear, books and other educational materials provided; under the organisation’s  scholarship scheme.

The children aged between 4 years and 12 years were positioned in classes based on their literacy levels, and have since improved academically and socially.

BruderHilfe, with Support from her International Partners is presently  constructing of a proper home for Omowunmi, to ensure her safety and comfort, & that of her 4 grandchildren, three of whom are female and vulnerable to abuse from predators, who might take advantage of their porous abode. The family has also been at the mercy of rodents and reptiles, because of the poor condition of their present home.

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