Impact Stories for Mobility Carts Donations_Bruderhilfe

Bruderhilfe has been able to donate more than four hundred multi-purpose Mobility carts in Katsina, sokoto, Kwara and Lagos States in Nigeria; especially in hard to reach, rural remote communities, which lack basic amenities, and whose residents live below the poverty line.

In January & July, 2021, 250 mobility carts were donated to persons with disabilities across 34 local government areas of Katsina state.

100 Multi-purpose Mobility Carts were also donated to persons with disabilities in Katsina State, in October, 2022; through the Aminu Masari Youth Empowerment foundation.

During the donations, the Executive Governor of Katsina State, Rt. Hon. Aminu Bello Masari CFR FNIM, commended the work of Bruderhilfe in assisting the people of the state especially the women and children living with disabilities who had never benefited from such donations in the past, the donations from Medshare has improved the lives of the people of Katsina State; and has also empowered the women and youth of the state. These projects help Bruderhilfe to work with most impoverished people in the rural remote communities of Katsina State, who are in dire need of development interventions. 

The Senior Special Assistant on Disability Matters, Katsina state, also appreciated Medshare, for their donations. 

To mark the World Disability Day in December 2021, 90 mobility carts were donated to persons with disabilities in Sokoto State. 

Persons with disabilities in Kwara state also received donations of the Mobility carts, during a humanitarian outreach in April, 2021.

We also donated some mobility carts to some persons with impairments in the Isolo Local Council Development Area of Lagos state, in March, 2022.

A Mobility cart was donated to Jummai Barak, a hairdresser and baker. Jummai visited the Bruderhilfe office in Lagos, in July, 2021. The vibrant and industrious young lady, expressed her appreciation to Bruderhilfe & her donors, for her new Mobility cart, which would enable her conduct her business effectively and move about with ease. Prior to receiving the mobility carts, Jummai had previously applied to two different NGOs, but had been unsuccessful.

Mr. Tunde Ewaremem, a man living with mobility impairment & in deplorable condition, was also one of the beneficiaries empowered with Mobility carts in Lagos state.


– Helps persons with mobility impairments in moving around to do their businesses & carry their business tools so they can make a living / fend for themselves.

– Helps beneficiaries in moving around their houses & neighborhood, school, visitations etc by themselves, & to socialize. This gives them a feeling of independence & makes them less dependent on others, as even those with the usual wheelchair require family & friends to push them around. 

– Helps beneficiaries in carrying heavy loads, whether in shopping for food items & sundries from the market, or in moving other items that had been impossible for them due to their mobility impairments.

– Helps beneficiaries improve their Confidence, in being able to live normal lives despite their disabilities. This rekindles their hope / attitude to life & improves their mental health.

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