Stadium Grammar School 2022

Bruderhilfe Social Development Initiative embarked on a Library donation drive at Stadium Junior Grammar School, Agege, Lagos; on Wednesday, 29th June, 2022.

Recognising that readers are leaders and effective reading is the key to academic excellence, the Bruderhilfe team was on ground to equip the school library with a hundred Children’s reading / story books, made possible with support from the Muriel Gordon foundation.

The project was the third of such intervention in the school, as Bruderhilfe had previously supported the school’s Inter-house sports and also donated educational materials including school bags, exercise books, and pens as well as included some of the school’s children under the Bruderhilfe scholarship scheme, in 2019.

The Executive Director, Mrs. Mary Oluwabamigbe Bruder, also toured the school facilities and inspected the library, after which she had an interactive session with the children, advising them on the importance of reading.

The school management and staff were full of appreciation to Bruderhilfe and the Muriel Gordon foundation, for the donated books, and affirmed that the past and present projects by the organisation had many positive impacts on the students. The children could also not hide their excitement on receiving the new materials, and promised to take proper care of them, and ensure they are put to good use.

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