Katsina September October 2022 Project

Mrs. Mary Bruder, Executive Director, Bruderhilfe Social Development Initiative, was in Katsina State with the Bruderhilfe team to implement a series of projects for the people of the state. Mrs. Bruder paid a visit to the First Lady of Katsina State, Hajiya Zakiya Bello Masari, to conclude on preparations for the day’s project with women and children. Also present during the visit were, the wife of the Speaker, Katsina State House of Assembly, Hajiya Jamila Tasi’u Mai Gari and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Land & Survey, Hajiya Halima Lawal.

Bruderhilfe Social Development Initiative partnered with the charity initiative of the First Lady of Katsina State, The Women, Youth and Children Improvement Support Initiative (WYCISI); to bring succour to the rural women in the Kusada Local Government area. A sensitisation on improving Antenatal care and child delivery among the rural women, was organised for pregnant women and nursing mothers in the LGA.

The Executive Governor, Katsina State, Rt. Hon. Aminu Bello Masari CFR FNIM, inspecting the Mobility Carts, Medical Supplies and Equipment, Books, children equipment & other items donated by Bruderhilfe Social Development Initiative, for distribution to Hospitals, persons with disabilities, women and children in Katsina state, in partnership with the Aminu Masari Youth Empowerment Foundation.

Rt. Hon. Aminu Bello Masari CFR FNIM, Executive Governor of Katsina State, inspecting the donations by Bruderhilfe Social Development Initiative, to be distributed to the people of Katsina in partnership with the Aminu Masari Youth Empowerment Foundation.

Medical Supplies & Equipment are to be donated to: Turai Umar Yar’Adua Maternity and Children Hospital, Katsina; General Hospital, Katsina; and General Amadi Rimi Orthopaedic Hospital, Katsina. Reading books would also be donated to a Primary School and a Secondary school, while Children Toys, Bicycles, Car seats, Clothings and other items would be distributed to Children, Women & youth in rural Katsina.

The rural women in the Kusada LGA of Katsina state, were given orientation on proper maternity practices and hygiene, after which a quiz competition was held. Mrs. Mary Bruder, Executive Director Bruderhilfe, presented gift prizes to the winners which included Baby Cot, Children Toys, Baby Clothings & Stockings. Bruderhilfe also donated Baby Clothings & Accessories to the rural women participants from Kusada Local Government, present at the event. The recipients were very grateful to Bruderhilfe & to the Katsina State First Lady.

The grand event of Bruderhilfe Project in Katsina State, in partnership with the Aminu Masari Youth Empowerment Foundation; on the day Nigeria marks her 62nd Independence celebration.

100 Multi-purpose Mobility Carts were donated to persons with disabilities in Katsina State. Medical Supplies & Hospital Consumables, Orthopaedic Kits, Children Reading Books, Eyeglasses, Clothings, Beddings, Children’s Toys and Car seats, were some of the items donated to: Turai Umar Yar’Adua Maternity and Children Hospital, Katsina; General Hospital, Katsina; General Amadi Rimi Orthopaedic Hospital, Katsina; A Primary & Secondary school in Nigeria, and women, Children & youth in Katsina State.

The Executive Governor of Katsina State, Rt. Hon. Aminu Bello Masari CFR FNIM, was at Walawal community, Dutsi Local Government area of Katsina State, to officially open the new home built by Bruderhilfe Social Development Initiative, for Zulai Hamisu, the widow with 9 children among the 5 widows in Katsina State, under the Bruderhilfe “One Family at a time” initiative. 

Bruderhilfe was in the news, in recognition of the intervention in Katsina State, in the lives of the 5 widows & their 35 children included under the “One Family at a time” initiative. 


The Executive Governor of Katsina State, Rt. Hon. Aminu Bello Masari CFR FNIM, commended the work of Bruderhilfe in assisting the Aminu Masari Youth Empowerment Foundation, in improving the lives of the people of Katsina State, and the efforts of Mrs. Mary Bruder, Bruderhilfe’s Executive Director, in identifying the most impoverished people in the rural remote communities of Katsina State, who are in dire need of development interventions. 

The Executive Governor of Katsina State, Rt. Hon. Aminu Bello Masari CFR FNIM, was at Walawal community, Dutsi Local Government area of Katsina State, to officially open the new home built by Bruderhilfe Social Development Initiative, for Zulai Hamisu, the widow with 9 children among the 5 widows in Katsina State, under the Bruderhilfe “One Family at a time” initiative.

The Walawal community residents were overjoyed and gave a warm welcome to the Bruderhilfe team and the Katsina State Governor. An elated Zulai thanked Bruderhilfe for providing a home for her and her children, and thanked the Governor for the honour of opening her new home.

The other widows present also spoke with the Governor, testifying how the money and donations given them have helped improve their lives.

The Bruderhilfe team also visited the houses of some of the widows under the Bruderhilfe “One Family at a Time” initiative.

Household items and basic living necessities, made possible by Donations by The Muriel Gordon Foundation, New York, were distributed to the families of all the 5 Widows with 35 Children between them. Donated items include: Furniture, Beddings, Mattresses, Kitchen utensils, and Durable Water storage drums loaded with Clothings, Footwear, Food provisions, children toys, books and educational materials.

The donations are to support the women and their children to live comfortably, while the widows continue to improve on their established businesses.

The faces of Zulai Hamisu and her 9 children were beaming with smiles as their newly furnished home built by Bruderhilfe, was handed over to them, together with home equipment and basic living necesities. Zulai a widow & one of the vulnerable women identified in rural Katsina, had been living in a make shift shelter exposing herself and her children to the elements. The Katsina state governor, after visiting the settlement to formally open the house, has promised to situate a school as well as pipe born water in the community, a model which is to be replicated across several settlements in rural Katsina. 

The Senior Special Assistant on Disability Matters, Katsina state, appreciating Bruderhilfe for the 100 mobility carts donated to the persons with disability in Katsina state, in partnership with the Aminu Masari youth Empowerment foundation.

The project in Katsina state was a success, as testified by the Katsina state Governor, and founder of partner organisation, the Aminu Masari Youth Empowerment Foundation. We thank our International Donors, MedShare International, Int theernational, and the Muriel Gordon Foundation, New York, for their Donations which enabled us implement these projects in Katsina State, and touch the lives of thousands of the most vulnerable in society.

#marybruder #Health #Education #Womenandchildren #povertyalleviation #bruderhilfesdi #Katsina #Nigeria #SDGs #GodBlessNigeria

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