Ondo State Outreaches_November 2021

The Bruderhilfe team journeyed to rural underdeveloped communities in Ilaje local government area of Ondo state, to implement education, health and humanitarian outreaches, in line with one of the objectives of the organization to ensure an increased accessibility and provision of social-economic services for less privileged and the social excluded members of the society. 

The first community to be visited was Ebe-Alala, a rural coastal community which the team reached by boat, as all the institutions and houses stand on stilts within the water.

The team first visited the Ebe-Alala Academy, the only secondary school serving the community, where 50 books were presented to enable the school commence an active library. Bruderhilfe Director, Mrs. Mary Bruder, and Volunteers present also spoke with the students, enlightening them on the importance of reading and study concentration and encouraging them on their visions and ambitions.

The Bruderhilfe team also donated 50 Children’s Story Books to the Community Primary School at Ebe-Alala to enable them start their library.

The next port of call was the Ebe-Alala Health Centre, the only health Institution serving the community. The organization donated wheelchairs, Crutches, Mobility walkers, Adult diapers, Gowns for Medical professionals, Bed liners, Medical hand gloves, Baby bath basins, Infant feeding formulas, Hand sanitisers, amongst other medical supplies needed by the community residents, who do not have access to standard medical supplies and health care.

The Project intervention ended at the Community Town Hall, Ebe-Alala; where the Bruderhilfe team distributed clothes, footwear, food provisions, health supplements and other basic necessities to the community residents.

Bruderhilfe was also at Ago-Debo community in the Ilaje Local government area of Ondo State. The team visited the only primary school in the vicinity, which was constructed and is being sponsored by the community. However, residents in the rural community cannot afford to establish a befitting school as most live below the poverty line and struggle to provide basic needs.

The school was in deplorable condition, as the bamboo and wood building had no infrastructure, and one hall hosting all class levels, barely demarcated; making it difficult for learning to occur at the same time across the classes.

Books and educational toys were donated for the establishment of a library in the school. The team also met with and encouraged four of the school pupils who are under Bruderhilfe scholarship scheme, whilst also presenting them with writing materials.

The Director, Bruderhilfe, Mrs. Mary Bruder, assured the pupils and their teachers that the organization would adopt the school as one of its beneficiaries for continued supply of educational materials and needed refurbishment, to enable the institution become a favourable learning environment for the children of the community.

Humanitarian donations were also carried out in the community, as Bruderhilfe donated some basic living items to indigent families in the community.

The Bruderhilfe team also implemented Education, Health and Humanitarian Outreaches in the Ebute-Ipare Community, Ilaje local government area of Ondo State.

The organization, donated medical supplies and equipment to the Primary Health Centre, Ebute-Ipare. Items donated include: Gowns for Medical professionals, Adult diapers, Crutches, Wheelchairs, Walkers, Bed liners, Medical hand gloves, Baby bath basins, Infant feeding formulas, and Hand sanitisers.

The team also visited Catherine’s RCM Primary School, Ebute-Ipare, a public primary school in the community, where 50 books were donated for the school to establish a library; in order to help improve the literary levels, reading comprehension and spelling abilities of the pupils.

The day ended with a Humanitarian Donation drive, where the organization donated basic necessities to help improve the living conditions of the residents of Ebute-Ipare. Children, youth, adults and the old were presented with footwear, Clothing, food provisions, health supplements, educational toys, Mattresses and beddings as well as sanitary provisions.

The Bruderhilfe team donated some Medical Supplies and Hospital Consumables, to the Basic Health Centre, Igbokoda, Ilaje Local government area of Ondo State. Among the items donated were Hospital bed liners, baby bath basins, hand gloves, adult diapers, hand sanitisers, infant feeding formulas, wheelchairs, Crutches, Mobility walkers.

Mrs. Mary Bruder, Director, Bruderhilfe, assured the health centre of the continual donations of needed materials and support.

Bruderhilfe aims to continually support the communities by constantly providing medical supplies and equipment, educational materials, as well as food provisions and other basic needs, with the aid of our sponsors and international partners.

We thank the Muriel Gordon Foundation, Long Island, New York, for providing the donated items and also the Nigerian Navy for providing officers for security purposes.

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