Bruderhilfe Project

Impact Stories for Mobility Carts Donations_Bruderhilfe

Bruderhilfe has been able to donate more than four hundred multi-purpose Mobility carts in Katsina, sokoto, Kwara and Lagos States in Nigeria; especially in hard to reach, rural remote communities, which lack basic amenities, and whose residents live below the poverty line. In January & July, 2021, 250 mobility carts were donated to persons with […]

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Bruderhilfe One Family at a Time Initiative_Katsina State

In continuation of our economic empowerment projects in Katsina state, Nigeria; The Bruder Hilfe team identified 5 women with 35 children between them, hit by economic hardship, in remote rural communities in the Dutsi and Kusada Local Government areas of Katsina state. The women have been included under the Bruderhilfe “One Family at a time”

Bruderhilfe One Family at a Time Initiative_Katsina State Read More »

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